Magnus Winters's Blog

Magnus Winters is an expert in uncovering financial scandals and stock market frauds, providing valuable insights for educational purposes.

Investors Beware of the Scam Tactics of Gerard Ward

In the world of stock market experts, one name that sends shivers down the spine of seasoned investors is- Gerard Ward. Hailing from a notorious Gypsy traveler family in Manchester known as the Wards, Gerard has a track record that reeks of deception and fraudulent activities. Let us know Gerard Ward’s shady history and his notorious association with known scammers in the industry.

Investors Beware of the Scam Tactics of Gerard Ward
Investors Beware of the Scam Tactics of Gerard Ward

Gerard Ward’s Checkered Past

Gerard Ward’s family, notorious for terrorizing the town of Middleton in Manchester, has a criminal history, with brothers and cousins also earning a bad reputation. The entire Ward family has spent considerable time behind bars. Gerard, in particular, has a glaring record of failure, having never successfully closed a loan in his career.

Scam Tactics Revealed

Gerard Ward operates as a scammer, collaborating with other unscrupulous individuals in the stock market to deceive lenders and borrowers alike. His modus operandi involves receiving payments from both parties and leaving the lender with no money after the borrower sells all the stock on the market, crashing the collateral’s value. One of his infamous associates is Lane Hill, run by the wanted criminal Morgan Wilbur, banned from entering several countries due to fraud.

Legitimate Lenders as a Front

Ward employs legitimate lenders as a front to confuse clients, weaving a web of deceit. He engages in online character assassination of his competition, spreading baseless claims and lies to discourage potential clients from working with others. Despite facing legitimate defamation claims, Ward, residing in Malaysia and Hong Kong, remains unreachable.


Investors, beware of Gerard Ward, associated with Platinum Global Bridging Finance, legally known as Global Bridging Finance Limited. With a history marred by fraudulent activities, Ward’s deceptive tactics have left a trail of victims in his wake. His corrupt practices, along with his partnership with known scammers, underscore the importance of exercising extreme caution when considering any financial dealings with Gerard Ward. In the cutthroat world of investments, it’s crucial to stay alert and avoid slipping targets into the web of deception spun by individuals like Gerard Ward.

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